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Hunter's Ridge Neighborhood
Exterior Paint Color Options

These are the exterior paint color options which are pre-approved by the Hunter's Ridge Homeowner's Association. Keep in mind, it's always a good idea to let your neighbors know what you are planning in order to maintain good relationships. Please note the following instructions when looking through this:

  • You may choose one of the color options (A-N) on this page for the exterior of your home. If you would like to choose another color not included, you must complete an ACC application form and turn it into the HRHA board for approval by the ACC before starting any painting.

  • The largest color swatch in each sample is the body color for your home. 

  • The thin, horizontal color swatch in each sample is the trim color. There may be an alternative square trim color in the upper left-hand corner. You may choose either the main trim color or alternative trim color.

  • The square color swatch that is on the lower right-hand corner is the accent color. This color may be used for the door and shutters of your home. There may be 2 accent colors in a sample and you should choose only one.

  • All of these colors have Sherwin Williams paint color names. All of the other major paint stores have Sherwin Williams color names in their system, so you are free to use any paint store. 

If you have any questions, please contact the HRHA board or an Architectural Control Committee member.

Exterior Paint Color Option Samples

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